Our work team consists of several hundred active Czech and foreign translators, proofreaders, editors and teachers as well as in-house staff. We translate in approx. 3,000 language combinations, train hundreds of students every year and teach approx. 15 foreign languages.
We celebrated our 30th anniversary.
Our employee Eva Janovská won the “Quality Manager of 2020” award presented annually by the Czech Society for Quality, for personal contribution to quality management development in SOPHIA, jazykové služby s.r.o.
We became a member of the Seattle based Globalization and Localization Association (GALA) which supports the global language industry.
Quality standard ČSN EN 15038 no longer in force.
SOPHIA acquires a certificate of compliance with ČSN EN ISO 17100, which replaced ČSN EN 15038.
SOPHIA is awarded the National Register of Qualifications Certificate confirming its compliance with the system specially designed for employees to acquire the qualifications they need even after they leave school. (certificate)
SOPHIA celebrates 20 years in business. We have clients on five continents and handle requests in 2,652 language pairs..
We signed 2 more general contracts with the European Commission for external cooperation on translations.
We moved to a new, modern offices at the new address of Hroznová 28, České Budějovice, Czech Republic.
SOPHIA updates its quality management system to meet the requirements under ČSN EN 15038, which applies exclusively to translation services. First company in the Czech Republic to receive a certificate of compliance with this quality standard.
SOPHIA accepted for membership in the European Language Industry Association (ELIA). Our Chief Executive Officer Karla Bauerová subsequently served on the ELIA Board of Directors for 3 years.
SOPHIA enters into the first framework agreement for translation services with the European Commission.
SOPHIA joins the South Bohemian Chamber of Commerce.
SOPHIA transforms to a limited liability company.
SOPHIA’s quality management system found in compliance with ČSN EN ISO 9001. SOPHIA receives a certificate of conformity.
Request for high-quality language services for the nearby nuclear power plant in Temelín, Czech Republic. SOPHIA established.
SOPHIA’s quality management system is designed to meet the requirements under ČSN EN ISO 9001. This quality standard reflects the experience gathered from companies in many different industries, which helps us to grow and improve, as well.
SOPHIA got its first certificate of conformity with ČSN EN ISO 9001 in 1999 from the certification authority Germanischer Lloyd, represented in the Czech Republic by Český lodní a průmyslový registr s.r.o. (the Czech Shipping and Industrial Register).
This made SOPHIA the first in this industry to acquire this important certification in the Czech Republic.
SOPHIA is currently certified under ČSN EN ISO 9001:2008.
Meeting the requirements under ČSN EN ISO 17100:2015 Providing of translation services confirms that our work complies with internationally recognized best practices in the field.
The requirements of ČSN EN ISO 17100:2015 build on those in ČSN EN ISO 9001, but focus specifically on translation services: human resources, technology, quality management, project management, participating in tenders and standard processes for providing our services.
SOPHIA passed a certification audit by Česká společnost pro jakost, o.s. (the Czech Society for Quality) in cooperation with Český institut pro akreditaci, o.p.s. (ČIA – the Czech Accreditation Institute), in November 2008.
SOPHIA was the first translation provider in the Czech Republic to receive certification under quality standard ČSN EN 15038:2006 Translation services – service requirements.
This now-traditional chess competition drew a crowd of talented young people once again this year.
Even the sponsors get to play in the tournament.
We purchased rubber ducks to race in the Grand Prix Kachničky 2013, held on June 9 in support of the charities APLA (which works with people with autism) and I MY (which works with families of children with special needs).
free proofreading of the English translation for the catalogue of a photography exhibition entitled “New Stone Age”.
financial support for painters with disabilities, who paint using their mouths and feet
financial support of a giant maze development within a children’s project in Rudolfov near České Budějovice, South Bohemia
financial support for painters with disabilities, who paint using their mouths and feet
financial support for a new children’s project in Rudolfov near České Budějovice, South Bohemia
financial contribution towards renovating and furnishing the Museum of Baroque
donation of office furniture
donation of a library and CCTV security system
financial contribution towards medical equipment for the pediatric ward
contribution towards the launch of the project and towards the purchase of additional equipment for the Czech Science Station of J. G. Mendel on the Isle of James Ross in Antarctica
Financial contribution towards the 35th anniversary celebrations of the kindergarten in Papírenská Street in České Budějovice
small Christmas presents for the hospitalized children
a financial contribution
financial contribution towards a special playground for children with disabilities
financial contribution towards the reconstruction of the altar in the Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary
small Christmas presents for the children in the children’s home
financial contribution towards help for children with haematinic disorder and children whose illness requires a bone marrow transplant
financial contribution towards help for children affected by the natural disaster in South East Asia
financial contribution towards the purchase of new bells for the Baroque Church of the Virgin Mary
a financial contribution towards repairing the church tower
financial contribution for children with disabilities
financial contribution towards the reconstruction of the altar in the Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary
financial contribution for children with disabilities
We’re on your side. And we try to get better every day, so you will always have a reason to come back to us.
SOPHIA Language Services Ltd.
Hroznová 28
370 01 České Budějovice
Czech Republic
Monday – Friday: 7:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
+420 387 415 415
+420 774 672 992
+420 777 112 973
Copyright (C) 1993 - 2025 SOPHIA Language Services Ltd., all rights reserved